I missed this blog. Things have been very hectic recently. My current project is the HGUC Sinanju. My MG Deathschythe turned out pretty well and I forgot to post photos of it here. But I did show it on MACForums. Here is the LINK.
I'm also trying to paint a couple of Warhammer 40K figures. Man these are really tiny subjects.
One of the units held together by blue tac. Need to spray them with primer first.
My room has also been renovated. I got a new, bigger table for my workspace. I'm really excited to get back to making gunpla.
I was having a lot of fun with the inner frame that I decided to do this concept shoot. I was playing with the idea of the grim reaper (skeleton and scythe), and the dark flowing cloaks of the ring wraiths from the Lord of the Rings and the Dementors from Harry Potter. I made the cloak using an old desktop PC's cover.
Wishing the best for Japan right now. They have faced similar tragedies before and I firmly believe that they can recover from this one.
It has been months since my last update. Project MG Deathscythe is still on-going. I have finished building the kit and I love it. It has been standing on my desk for weeks now and I have just removed the armor parts a while ago. I might be able to start painting the inner frame by tomorrow. Still trying to decide if I should add panel lines or just stick to aiming at getting a good paint job.