I missed this blog. Things have been very hectic recently. My current project is the HGUC Sinanju. My MG Deathschythe turned out pretty well and I forgot to post photos of it here. But I did show it on MACForums. Here is the LINK.
I'm also trying to paint a couple of Warhammer 40K figures. Man these are really tiny subjects.
One of the units held together by blue tac. Need to spray them with primer first.
My room has also been renovated. I got a new, bigger table for my workspace. I'm really excited to get back to making gunpla.
I was having a lot of fun with the inner frame that I decided to do this concept shoot. I was playing with the idea of the grim reaper (skeleton and scythe), and the dark flowing cloaks of the ring wraiths from the Lord of the Rings and the Dementors from Harry Potter. I made the cloak using an old desktop PC's cover.
Wishing the best for Japan right now. They have faced similar tragedies before and I firmly believe that they can recover from this one.
It has been months since my last update. Project MG Deathscythe is still on-going. I have finished building the kit and I love it. It has been standing on my desk for weeks now and I have just removed the armor parts a while ago. I might be able to start painting the inner frame by tomorrow. Still trying to decide if I should add panel lines or just stick to aiming at getting a good paint job.
Made a quick visit to the hobby store and got myself the MG Deathsycthe.
The instructions look pretty basic. This would probably take a day or two to assemble, provided the nub marks would be easy to clean.
I've also finished assembling the main unit of the MG Destiny. I'd probably assemble the wings and weapons after I have finished the MG Deathscythe.
I guess this means I'm officially on a High Grade hiatus after getting two MG Kits. I was planning on getting the HG QanT, but after the MG announcement I decided I would wait for November to get the bigger guy. My next HG purchase would probably be the HG Sinanju. I've been eyeing the HG Unicorn for quite some time now so I guess I'd buy the rival units when Sinanju comes out.
Here it is! My very first airbrush project is finally done. I was actually able to finish painting this kit almost two weeks ago. I got very busy so I wasn't able to finish it right away.
Since this is my very first time to airbrush, there are lots of room for improvement. The inner parts of the kit were painted in gray. It got pretty thick because I actually applied 3 different layers of gray until I was satisfied. Painting on the black parts were delayed too because I ran out of paint. The purple was done by mixing red and blue, and a bit of white to make it lighter.
I'm dealing with a lot of paint scratching with this model. At first I was using the Tamiya thinner for acrylics, then I decided to use 70% Isopropyl Alcohol for the purple. The purple was very flat, so I guess what they say about Isopropyl alcohol giving off a flat finish was true. It dried off pretty quickly too, and it only took a few coats to get the desired effect. The paint with the Tamiya thinner takes a bit of time to dry up, and the coating was thicker compared to the IA. I don't know, maybe the paint to thinner ratio I did was incorrect.
After the paint has dried, I left the parts on my old computer desk and waited for them to totally cure before topcoating. I wasn't able to topcoat right away and the parts were attracting dust/lint. I did the topcoating yesterday, and I was recovering from a mild fever. I bought a Bosny clear acrlic spraycan. I transferred some of it in a tamiya glass jar. I wanted to apply it using my airbrush, and mix it with IA to fight off the glossy effect.
To avoid flooding the page with a single post, I decided to post my albums in Multiply. You can view the rest of the pictures HERE. Please comment here, or in Multiply if you do have an account =)