It appears that Gundam Wing is getting some brand new love and attention.
Gundam Wing was the very first Gundam series that aired in the Philippines. But I was already aware of the anime even before it aired locally because actually saw a few episodes during a visit to Japan when I was a kid. I loved it for the fact that it was about giant robots, and then I also got hooked on the opening song "Just Wild Beat"! I was very happy that a local channel aired the series here, and I believe that is how the rest caught up with the gundam hoopla. My first two kits were the 1/144 Wing and Shen Long. After assembling the kit, I felt like I was ripped off because the toy doesn't look anything like the images shown on the box. But still, I was happy to have the gundams of the two best pilots (in my opinion), Heero and Wufei.
I can still remember spending an awful lot of time staring at gundam boxes in convenience stores and malls during our stay there. I was intimidated by the 1/100 kits and didn't bother asking my mom or sister to buy me one.

I really like the grunt units from GW as well, and I hope Bandai would release MG versions of some of those mechs. My favorites are the Aries and Virgo. Maybe the Aries can be a transformable kit, and the Virgo can have shield effect parts for the shield discs on its shoulder. Or better yet, a Mercurius and Vayeate combo in a single box.
So there, I'm really excited about the future gunpla releases for the Wing series. I'm also excited for my first airbrush project which is the HG GN-X. I shall post updates about that soon.
i'll definitely get the heavy arms!! I am so happy that they are revisiting this series! And it still has one of the best opening songs among all the gundam series ^^
I love the second opening song too. Was that "Rythm Emotion"? GW songs definitely bring back sweet childhood memories =)
Actually... the so-called "new" GW designs are actually 10+ years or so old by now. They are the Ver. Ka designs of the original five before getting their EW upgrade (which are also "Ver. Ka's" since the EW Gundams were redesigned by Katoki). No one really knows about those designs because...well, they don't really exist anywhere besides lineart up until now ^^;
Oh, so that's why the Wing looks like the Ver. Ka gunpla which came out already. Thanks for the info Z!
Oh, Me too... I watch that when I was a kid... I remember few things like the commercial of relena catching hero... That song like "crawling" of linkin park. Memories =w=
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