I could have finished this kit earlier but I ran out of blue spray paint. 00's backpack also got ruined when bubbles appeared after I left it to dry so I had to apply another coat of paint to cover it.

You can see here the plastic I inserted into the GN Drives.

The Figma stand was quite effective for a 1/144 scale model like this one.

I forgot to take off the red part on his antenna before I sprayed it with top coat so now it doesn't look clear anymore.

GN-X makes a cameo. Completed this kit after Exia but I'm still not sure if I would paint this one too.

The green highlighing pen I used on the clear parts gave a satisfactory result.

Setsuna's love interests.

wow great review Gi :D loving those pics. The lighting came out good despite it being a little dark,gives a more setsuna feel to it ;D
You did well with Exia,at first I didn't really like the way the new exia looked but with your pictures I'm thinking about it ^^
great job on painting n stuff,did you use a flat topcoat to finish?
Thanks! I used Flat topcoat, but I sprayed it without the clear parts on.
Hey bro I would like to ask my question in English but you might misunderstand..
Ano gamit mo na topcoat saka saan ka bumibili nito?
There, I hope you can answer me. ^^
Hey mkuain.
I used Mr. Super Clear Flat Topcoat. Got it from Lil's Futaba in Park square ,outside Glorietta 2 near Max's restaurant. There's also a store in Viramall at the 3rd floor. They sell Tamiya, Gundam color, and Mr. Hobby products.
Goddamn *facepalm*
I was there (Lil's Futaba) bought a gunpla.. Also planning on buying topcoat but I forgot!
Thanks for the info..
great job on the spray painting :D. The model looks a lot more solid and the subtle markings give it a MG-ish feel to it.Maybe you can also get a jar of Tamiya Clear Red and paint in the v-fin's gem?
I might get one the next time I visit the store. Could be pretty useful when MG 00 comes out =)
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